Tony is a breath of fresh air

It always baffles me how people in our country can get an inflated sense of worth, due to the position that they occupy. We sometimes lose track of the fact that it is temporary situation or that we start believing that we are ourselves are the reason for the position.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently flew into Manila for a series of talks. He charmed a lot of people with his personality and made many converts with his humility, wit and intelligence.

He spoke about how life is full of twists and surprises. When he was younger he wanted to be a rock musician. He practiced and played in a band until a good friend told him, “You’re a great singer, except there’s only one problem.” Brief pause. “You can’t sing!” But never in his young life , did he imagine that he would become Great Britain’s top leader. “If someone had told me that one day I’d be prime minister, I would have laughed, and my friends would have been worried”.

Tony Blair was peppered with questions on politics, leadership, and retirement. He spoke about leaders being, “ordinary men thrust into extraordinary situations.” A school of thought commonly attributed to Winston Churchill and revived by former New York Mayor Rudy Gulliani.

When he was asked the question on motives for entering politics, he replied, “Public Service”, he then continued, “Politics really matters, actually,” . He started talking about the good and the need for public service. But he hit the nail on the head, when he proclaimed that politics, “is a noble profession, not always nobly pursued.” Standing Ovation!

He also spoke on how much easier it is to be in the opposition. He told the audience though it was better to be in the administration, in the opposition, “is it’s what you say that matters, not what you do.” Bingo!

On knowing to move on, Mr. Blair said, “And leaders, no matter how long they are in the position, will always “have their day” and should find it in themselves to relinquish power.

Mr. Blair spoke humorously about the stark difference when he was no longer Prime Minister. He recounted that on his first day as a private citizen, he bought a new cell phone and texted a good friend. He was surprised to read the reply, “who are you?”. Mr. Blair forgot to write down his name in the text.  He reflected humorously that in less than 24 hours, he had gone from being one of the most powerful men in the planet to a virtual nobody.

Mr. Blair is recognized for his skill as a diplomat. The evidence of this was that he was able to charm and seamlessly get away with wearing the Ateneo Blue Eagle Jacket in his visit and talk there; and charm his hosts in Lasalle by donning the green jacket. He even threw in the “adobo” joke.

Tony Blair made Great Britain cool again. He made Britannia matter especially to young people.  This is in stark contrast to the image that the United States projected in the last few years of the Bush administration. President Barrack Obama is showing the same skills and a lot of heart in managing his difficult situation. But he has also shown that the right leadership who has the correct reasons for serving can and will make a difference.

The Philippine elections are around the corner. Many of our people have lost faith in our leaders and expressed cynicism on the state of Philippine democracy and the electoral process. Many have expressed doubt that there may be an election. But let us not lose hope. We must try. We must search for the right leadership. Then we must try to do everything to make sure that he or she makes it. It is in our hands. Tony Blair said,“What is forgivable is to fail, what is unforgivable is not to try.”


Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

 For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at ,  or visit

I'm on Facebook

I have often been asked if I’m on the social networking site Facebook. I am sometimes embarrassed to admit that I don’t know how. I’m not on multiply (although is) ; I don’t even have Friendster. I have a bad time answering text; I am guilty of text shame, where your text gets your foot in your mouth. I hear too many horror stories like when two friends of mine were working together in one company. One resigned and returned the company issued cellphone to HR. The other friend kept texting that phone not knowing that his friend was no longer using it. The subject of the text: complaints and brickbats about the managers of the company. It’s fairly easy to predict what happened next. He is now working in a different company.

Social media like Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, etc. has really changed the way our society relates with one another. I know of one friend who advertises her situation thru Facebook by changing the relationship status. How many of us have heard the answer made popular by Friendster? “It’s complicated”.

One of the new trends happening is business using these forms of social media. I know many young people who get their feet wet in business thru opening an online store using ebay or multiply. But is this really an option for many established businesses. The current recession being felt by businesses in the United States have led to an explosion of the use of social media as a way of cutting down operation or advertising cost.

Jesse Stay and Jason Alba co-wrote a book entitled , “I’m on Facebook---Now What???: How to Get Personal, Business, and Professional Value From facebook.” It is a guide on how to manage your personal and business life on facebook. He provides some interesting tips, especially for businesses to use.

1. Conduct surveys on your products or service –“Click on the "Business" link in the footer of your Facebook account, then click on "Facebook Polls," and you'll soon have access to create your own polls, of which you can target towards certain age groups, interests, and other demographics, and track the results. You can even set a budget of how much you want to spend for the entire Poll. “

2. Research available demographics for your product, service, or location – “Click on "Business" in the footer, then "Facebook Insights." Click the "Get Started" button, and then act as though you are creating a Page or trying to advertise another link. Under the audience tab, you can click around on the various form options, and it will tell you how many people are within that demographic.”

3. Keep in touch with customers – “Click on "see all" next to "Status Updates." On the right-hand side you'll notice a "Subscribe" link - click on that to add your friends' status updates to your RSS Reader and keep in touch with everything they are doing.”

4. Track your Brand – “Use page manager to track valuable stats; the number of visits, gender demographics, page views, etc.”

5. Announce Promotions and New Products – “Post your new services, sale or promotions, or new products and get the viewers talking. This will allow many to preview and discuss generating free publicity.”

It’s amazing how social media is changing the way friendships or relationships are made, kept or broken. I am blown away by how many “online” friends my offline friends have. They are able to discuss what is going on in LA or Vancouver just like we would discuss what happened to the mall today. The world is really getting smaller thru technology and the internet. It is a great opportunity for young people to put their online networking skills to good use by becoming online entreperneurs.

I want to say thank you to Ed for volunteering to register . This is now online and will allow readers to catch up with columns that they may have missed. I guess there is no more excuse for me not to get on facebook.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

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Pursue Your Passion

Have you ever heard of Pierre Omidyar? Chances are you haven’t, but I am pretty sure that you have heard, bought or sold something using his company. Pierre is the founder of ebay, as well as the owner of paypal and skype.

Pierre is a French born Iranian computer programmer who started ebay to help his wife connect with other collectors of her hobby, trading and collecting Pez candy dispensers. They had moved to San Francisco and his wife discovered that there was no community or way to pursue her interest in trading the dispensers. Pez candy dispensers were highly pursued as collectors items and had a passionate but small community of collectors. Pierre created the first software in 1995 and hosted it in a small section of his personal web site.

Would you believe that the very first item traded was a broken laser pointer, that sold for $14.83. Surprised, Pierre called up the buyer to make sure he realized that the laser pointer was broken. To his surprise, the latter replied that he actually collected broken laser pointers. That is a very ebay story and was prophetic of things to come.

In 1998, Pierre became a billionaire when ebay went public, three years after founding. Today ebay host roughly four million completed auctions per day and 42 year old Pierre has a personal fortune of about $10 billion. All of this, a result of his passionate desire to help his wife with her hobby.

I wanted to share some of his wisdom on what it took for him to succeed:

“You'll fail at some things – that’s a learning experience that you need so that you can take that on to the next experience. What you learn from those challenges and those failures are what will get you past the next ones…I was the pretty consistent bull and the cheerleader on eBay actually.”

“Even after that, they come back and they say, ‘Okay, well, we know you’re doing your best. We’re with you.’ And so I’ve always had this unshakable faith that it’s going to endure.”

“I think failure of that magnitude, or a challenge of that magnitude, is really important and I’m glad that we faced it so early in our evolution.” 

“I think those challenges are really critical and really important. What you learn from them is, of course, kind of what they say, ‘If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger,’ and it’s true. And what you learn from those challenges and those failures are what will get you past the next ones.”

“Build a platform – prepare for the unexpected…you’ll know you’re successful when the platform you’ve built serves you in unexpected ways.”

“To truly prepare for the unexpected, you’ve got to position yourself to keep a couple of options open so when the door of opportunity opens, you’re close enough to squeeze through.”

“The Internet is changing everything, and has changed the world in such a short period of time, and will continue to change things in very positive ways that we have yet to anticipate. I’m very excited by the prospect of what we haven’t seen yet.”

“You should pursue your passion. If you’re passionate about something and you work hard, then I think you will be successful.”

“You have to really believe in what you’re doing, be passionate enough about it so that you will put in the hours and hard work that it takes to actually succeed there, and then you’ll be successful.”

In 2004, Pierre and his wife has now devoted their life to helping others, they started the Omidyar Network premised on the belief that everyone has the potential to make difference. It is a foundation designed to provide assistance and funding to individuals and organizations that are involved in efforts to improve the life of others.

Pierre said, “You should pursue your passion. If you’re passionate about something and you work hard, then I think you will be successful. You have to really believe in what you’re doing, be passionate enough about it so that you will put in the hours and hard work that it takes to actually succeed there, and then you’ll be successful.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at , or visit

Glass Ceilings

Anatole France once wrote, “To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” It makes you pause, think and wonder.

Anatole France is a great French novelist, poet and writer. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature. In his day, he was considered one of the finest minds in France. But many people did not know that he was diagnosed as having a brain that was two-thirds the normal size.

How does one continue to dream and believe? Many of us lose our capacity for dreams and belief the moment we get introduced into the difficulties of life, the choices we are forced to make, the compromises that seem easy to agree to.

I recently attended a small Bible study by young Christian men who belong to the Victory Fellowship. One man started asking me questions about dealing with choices, how does one make the right choice?

I remember a saying that author Atty. Alex Lacson once told me, he said, “God gave me the opportunity to become the man I always wanted to be.” It struck me and stayed with me. I came upon the reflection that God has a plan for me, for all of us. He affords us the opportunities to become this man, if we choose to. If we have a vision of that man in our mind and in our heart, if that vision is true to what God wants; we will be given choices, opportunities and trials in order to move us closer to that vision.

What does this have to do with entrepreneurship? It is the same principle. Entrepreneurship needs a lot of faith. To make the leap, assume the risks, and continuously push forward requires a lot of belief and faith.

I like to think that as we are faced with decisions and choices, we need to put a picture of ourselves in our mind. What type of businessman or entrepreneur do I want to become? That vision will guide us in making the right call.

Too often, many entrepreneurs lose themselves and their business by losing sight of that vision. We start spending the rewards of the present, trusting that the future will be taken cared of automatically. Or we lose hope in attaining that vision and start making compromises, which ultimately lead us further and further away from that vision.

Losing hope is easy to do because if we set a high enough goal, the road will seem impossible or unattainable. The secret is to set up our own glass ceilings and not to let others place it above us. If we set our own and work within our capacities and realities, we will soon discover that glass ceilings are meant to be shattered. As we break through, we then need to set up another one, in order to see what we need to do to shatter that too.

Martin Luther King Jr. started the ball rolling in leading the civil rights movement. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for his dream. His dream was not just to shatter a glass ceiling but a very real one set in concrete.

President Barrack Obama owes his place in history to this great man, and the choices that he made. History was not the by product of one big action, but through many small decisions that were made, all pointing to one vision.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, If you cannot fly, run. If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl. By all means, keep moving.” Always remember, glass ceilings are meant to be shattered.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at , or visit