Looking for a Room to Read

A lot of us take books very lightly. We are secure in the fact that we can access them in libraries , over the internet or just by buying the book. But let me tell you of a man who discovered how valuable books and education really are.

A teacher in Nepal said something that caused a successful driven young man to radically alter his life and devote it to changing the world. The unnamed teacher was showing around a young American who was trekking across Nepal and had chanced upon their small Himalayan village.

The teacher eagerly showed the young American around and brought him to his school where he proudly showed off their library. In the library the books were considered treasures and kept under lock and key, all 20 of them. What was even more astounding was that many of the books were left over by backpackers and trekkers, discarded after reading, unnecessary weight for the backpacks.

The headmaster valued education very much and told the American, “We are too poor to afford education.” He continued, “ But until we have education, we will always be poor.” The American tourist was deeply affected by those words, and made a vow to do what he can to help.

When he got back, he began emailing friends to donate used books for that school. What began as a sincere desire to do his part eventually blossomed into an organization that has created a big positive impact in many parts of Asia. That man is John Wood, founder of Room to Read, a nonprofit group that builds schools and libraries for children in Asia.

John gave a very successful career in Microsoft spanning almost the whole of the nineties. He has held several positions such as the positions of Director of Marketing for the Asia-Pacific Division, Director of the Internet Customer Unit as well as Director of Marketing for Microsoft Australia. He gave up the financial certainty and security of a successful corporate career to devote himself to bringing change thru education in some of the poorest parts of the world.

Today Room to Read, has grown into an award winning non-profit foundation has established over 7,500 libraries, donated and published 6 million books, built over 830 schools, and funded over 8,800 long-term scholarships for girls - impacting the lives of over 3.1 million students worldwide. And that is just over the span of nine years.

John has also received a lot of honors for his work, including recognition as a "Young Global Leader" by the World Economic Forum as well as recognition as one of Time Magazine's "Asian Heroes." Room to Read is a five-time recipient of Fast Company Magazine's Social Capitalist Award, as well as the Skoll Foundation Award for Social Innovation, and a recipient of Draper Richards Fellowship for social entrepreneurs.

We need to find our own local versions of John Wood who would also devote their time and energy to help impact the reach as well as the quality of education in our country. I myself am very inspired by Senator Benigno Aquino’s making education as one of the critical issues as well as foundation for his platform.

John Wood wrote that, “if you get education right, you get many things right: escape from poverty, better family health, and improved status of women.” Why the focus on women? John believed that when you properly educate a girl, you also educate her future children as well as the generations that follow.

I think we do need to look at how we are educating our children, because in order for change to happen, people have to understand the issues as well as the solutions needed. Thru education, we can ensure that the best and the brightest will be harnessed to work for the future of this country. People like John Wood and Efren Penaflorida are showing us of how great things can arise from small sincere actions. Let us find our way to each doing our part.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at stirspecialist@gmail.com , or visit www.stirspecialist.blogspot.com

Coke's Five Global Trends

Isn’t it amazing that pop culture has formed a common bond among people all over the world? Global brands such as Nike, Mcdonalds, Starbucks, etc. have become indexes on the cultural urbanization of many cities and countries. The recent decades have seen the rise of mega multinational corporations behind large global brands. These corporations have operations that simulate the way some countries function. So it’s interesting to track how they see the trends for the future.

One of these global brand icons is Coca Cola. Its President and CEO Muhtar Kent recently gave a talk where he describes the five global forces that he feels will impact the next decade:

“1. A powerful shift in the epicenter of global economic growth. - By the year 2020, the world’s economic power will radiate from many nations and not just a few. Despite the current economic woes, we’re going to see 20 trillion dollars of global GDP growth created in the next 10 years. Most of this will be in the emerging and developing economies of the world. In the next 10 years, we’re going to see a billion new consumers rise to the middle class.

2. Rapid urbanization as people move to cities for opportunities. -Today, the world’s cities are growing by 70 million people each year, and that will continue for at least the next decade. That’s the equivalent of adding a metropolitan area the size of Atlanta to the planet every 30 days for the next 10 years.

3. A world wrestling with energy and resource scarcity. - In the coming years, as wealth grows and consumer demand increases, we are going to be faced with constant scarcities and cost pressures. Demand for fuel, food and other commodities will expand significantly. This will have long-term cost implications for all of us. In a world of constant cost pressures, it is essential that we achieve a low-cost structure and that productivity is embedded in everything we do.

4. A reset of consumer attitudes, values and expectations. - Consumers worldwide are focused on value. They expect to engage with brands in a dialogue as opposed to a one-way monologue. They do not want to be told what to do. Today's consumers are dictating what they want... how they want it... when they want it... where they want it... and what price they are willing to pay. This is an important trend—and one that threatens to break the traditional distinction between buyer and seller that has been at the cornerstone of modern business and economics.

5. An emerging new era of innovation. - brought on by these first four trends and fueled by sustainability imperatives. Most new breakthrough innovations over the next decade will spring from a world radiating economic power from multiple sources... from a world with more empowered consumers... and from a world where natural resource scarcity is the norm. New ideas and innovations will originate well beyond the four walls of a company. Innovation will be just as likely to come from customers, suppliers, and consumers. Innovations will be truly global. They will no longer just trickle down from developed to lesser developed nations. They will just as likely originate in emerging nations as well. ”

It is really intriguing how Global Brands view trends. I wonder when the time will come when the rest of the world will also want to view trends set by local brands. It might happen sooner than we think.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at stirspecialist@gmail.com , or visit www.stirspecialist.blogspot.com

The Search for Newledge

I recently came across this unusual word – “Newledge”. It is an unusual and yet very interesting word, because it actually does not exist. It is the combination of two words: New and Knowledge. Why I do I like it? Because it is what every young entrepreneur needs to discover.

The search and application of new knowledge is the dramatic x factor in any new entrepreneur’s quest to be successful. When newledge is mixed with passion, it concocts a heady brew that can compensate and even best the common stumbling blocks of cash, capital and collateral.

Today’s technology is rapidly growing at an accelerated rate. So much so, that large corporations are often unable to adapt fast enough to take advantage of the unique solutions that technology offers. There is even now a “law” wherein it states, “The rapid rise in technology makes what was previously impossible possible.”

Solutions to typical problems need not be so complex anymore. Nowhere is this more obvious than when we give young children new gadgets and they are able to configure or utilize it faster than we can read the manual.

The fact that technology, the internet, and software are advancing so rapidly has been the reason for the rise of tech-entrepreneurs. What once needed an advance degree in computers now only requires a deep thirst to experiment and learn. Contrast this with what it used to be like before, a classic example being Digital Equipment, a well known computer brand then, Ken Olson of Digital once said, "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."

The search for newledge also has been made easier by the internet. I remember being in a meeting once with a retired CEO of a large corporation. He wanted to share with me his tips on what it took to rise to the top then. He said, “Knowledge is everything!” He explained that one of the unique things his corporation did under his watch was that they had a room filled with 10 full time researchers, who were tasked to research and provide information for the company.

I remember needing to spend days in the University library doing research work. Now a quick google search, a few clicks, a weeks worth of research done in a few hours. All you really need is a deep desire to discover newledge.

On another note, I also want to share with you a recent article by Melissa Rafoni of Rafoni CEO Consulting. For those that are now running companies and are trying to master the intricacies of managing and motivating employees, here are some tips from Melissa, outlined in her article, “Eight things your employees want from you.”

1. Tell me my role, tell me what to do, and give me the rules.


Discipline my coworker who is out of line.


Get me excited.


Don't forget to praise me.


Don't scare me.


Impress me.


Give me some autonomy.


Set me up to win.

Melissa concludes by adding, “Your job is to make it practical for people to succeed. When you do this, everybody wins.” I totally agree with Melissa. I now know eight more ways of understanding the needs of my employees better. It cost me practically nothing. All it really took was a deep desire to discover newledge. You should try it.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at stirspecialist@gmail.com , or visit www.stirspecialist.blogspot.com

The Future of People Power

I recently came across this quote from former President Cory Aquino that really moved and stuck with me. She said, “People Power must start from within. The potential for greatness of every Filipino needs to be cultivated before true strength in numbers can be realized for our nation. People Power resides inside each of us, waiting to be unleashed to trigger a chain reaction that would transform the fabric of our society.”

I have come to believe that People Power should not be looked upon and celebrated only through the prism of a peaceful revolution, but through the eyes of an enlightened and hopeful people, who are awakening to the possibilities of using People Power as a genuine movement for societal change.

Former President Cory further expounded on this concept when she declared in a keynote speech for the Magsaysay Forum some years back, “Since 1986, one of my main preoccupations had been on seeking ways by which to make use of "people power" as a force for eliminating poverty.”

I could not agree more. I strongly believe that we need to ensure that the concept of People Power be taught to a whole new generation not only as a celebration of one of the greatest moments in our country’s young history, but also as a philosophy of engaging each one of its citizens as vital instruments for nation building. Our former President believed, that in order for our country to progress, it needs its citizenry to be involved as active participants and service partners.

The late President set many examples for her people to follow, and in the last few years of her life, she recommitted herself to helping the poorest of the poor. Many of our impoverished countrymen live on the outer fringes of society, desperately trying to eke out a decent life out of indecent conditions. Tita Cory felt that by providing them with the tools as well as a means to acquire a decent life were of utmost importance. She established the PinoyME Foundation, that acts as a vehicle for helping the poor thru micro finance. Thru PinoyME, those in need can avail of micro loans that can be used as funds for starting small businesses, improving lives, funding education, etc.

From humble beginnings, PinoyME (www.pinoyme.com) has grown to having an estimated Php 1 Billion circulating and providing genuine assistance to as many as two million indigent beneficiaries. The immediate goal is to reach five million clients with a total of P5 billion in funds fueling grassroots businesses.

Tita Cory was also a strong supporter of Gawad Kalinga. She firmly believed that Gawad Kalinga was a true epitome of the definition of People Power. She said “It is now evident that People Power has come of age, when its pursuit defies the human temptation to use that power for one’s personal interest. Gawad Kalinga is proving that People Power can have the most noble of aspirations, that it can motivate ordinary citizens to become extraordinary Filipinos.’ She added, “In the expression of People Power, Gawad Kalinga seeks meaningful change powered by love for God and love for neighbor. It moves away from conflict and instead opens doors for convergence and harmony in the pursuit of a cause noble enough for all Filipinos to embrace. It does not look down on those who have less, and is not judgmental on those who have more.”

Many people have forgotten that at one time, Tita Cory held ultimate power in our country. But she was of the firm belief that in order for our country to progress, the solutions cannot only come from the Government. She believed that awakening the spirit of People Power in the citizenry and channeling that for the common good was the ultimate solution for bringing progress to the country and the people.

She said, “Through the years, I have learned from experience that, ultimately, People Power is about finding and unleashing the leader in each one of us. It is about harnessing the inherent integrity, the sense of compassion, the will to make sacrifices, and the courage to take risks to achieve goals that would serve the common good. Each of us is called to do our share. It is about building little bridges to people who can make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.”

There has been much said about finding the “Ninoy” in each of us; that there is a hero inside every one of us (http://iamninoy.org). I think we should now also look for the “Cory” within our hearts. Tita Cory truly believed in the goodness of each Filipino. We all need to once again rally to her call for People Power. But this time not solely to oust a dictator, or to rally in the streets or to protest injustice; but to set forth and do something positive to help our fellow brother and sister Filipino. If we all rally to this call, then we can finally honor Tita Cory’s words, “I thank God for making me Filipino.”

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at stirspecialist@gmail.com , or visit www.stirspecialist.blogspot.com