The sightings of a real life “Prince” in a small municipality called Dumanjug in the Province of Cebu has created quite a media storm. A debate is raging with parties on one side arguing passionately the improbability for the real “Prince” to be there as the Government would be informed, proper protocols would be observed, security arrangements would be made, and besides “important” people would be the first to know. The other side counters that it is a hush-hush thing and the “Prince” wants to avoid media and attention and concentrate on his humanitarian tasks.
For those that do not know, “Prince Harry” was supposedly part of a group of male high school students called the Lantakan Club that is in the town of Dumanjug in Cebu painting and performing repair works in the local school as part of their charitable activities. The “Prince” paid a courtesy call on the Town Mayor as well as posed for some photo opportunities with the locals as well as the teachers.
This can either be seen as one of the most low-keyed and noble humanitarian acts by the handsome son of a beautiful late princess or one of the biggest pranks perpetuated locally. But it has achieved one amazing thing. It has put this sleepy town into the map. Everybody now knows about the town of Dumanjug.
Isn’t that called successful marketing? I remember what Jay Conrad Levinson, author of Guerilla Marketing, wrote about the first two steps towards creating successful marketing.
Step one : Find the inherent drama within your offering.
Step two : Translate that inherent drama into a meaningful benefit.
Incidentally the town mayor was supposedly given instructions to tone down the “royal” presence in order not to attract undue attention. Should he not have followed those wishes? Unless, he felt it was too good a marketing tool to turn down, both for personal, political and tourism benefits.
If those where his intentions, he deserves our congratulations. He has successfully implemented step one. The town of Dumanjug is now on the headlines of all our conversations, including all the personalities involved. He now needs to make a carefully crafted plan to achieve step two. Which is to take advantage of all the attention in order to point out the economic and tourism potentials of his town, as well as his leadership.
But if in case that the “Prince” does turns out to be the real deal, haven’t we also done him and his humanitarian intentions a large disservice? Or worse, endangered not only his life, but also taken away the charitable purpose and the noble action. If in case it’s true, it brings to life the classic story of “The prince and the pauper”. I’m wondering if Britain’s MI6 has not done a discreet security check on their soldier prince to ascertain that he has not switched places with a boy off the street. Stranger things have happened.
In terms of marketing, it is just amazing how much was spent to create all this sensation. But is has been broadcast in print and shown on television. It as been written about, debated and argued. It has caused many people to want to drive to Dumajug to check if it is really true. If businesses now struggling with shrinking marketing budgets can bottle what happened and release it for their benefit, it would immediately cause a dramatic spike in sales. It makes me wonder if I can find my own “famous personality” to come and clean my windows and offer Php200 for photo ops, after buying something from the store, of course.
On another note, I would like to congratulate the owners and partners on the opening of UCC Café located at The Terraces, Ayala Center Cebu. The café looks amazing and brings to Cebu finally what is acknowledged to be some of the best tasting coffee, food, and deserts that you will ever find. I would like to apologize to Albert and Kitty Tan for missing the opening but I did go and try it the next day.
Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.
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